About: This article introduces the Cache node, a Process node within Construct.
Location: Node panel
Table of Contents
Feature Overview
The Cache node is used to shorten processing time when running complex jobs with large data sources. When inserted in a job, all the data processed prior to and passing through a cache is saved locally within the job at the point of the Cache. If a running job accesses data from the same point more than once, the data will be used from the point of the Cache rather than from the data source prior to the Cache.
The default setting for a Cache node is to keep Cache data only for duration of job run. When in this mode, after the job finishes running the data in the Cache is cleared. However, a Cache node may be configured to Keep cached data across job runs. In this mode, a timer can be set for the number hours or days the data should remain cached.
When data is retained between job runs, the Cache node icon appears with a yellow cylinder hovering in the upper right corner indicating that the data is stored and saved there. Data will be retained in the Cache until the preset time expires or the Flush Cache Now button is clicked.
Tip: If there are multiple Caches through out a job that you want to "Flush" all at once, go to Job > Flush All Caches in the main toolbar.
Splitting and Recombining Process Paths
A process that splits at a Cache may be recombined later in the same job using a node such as Merge or Append. This is a behavior unique to Cache – splitting a process at any other node and attempting to recombine it further on will produce an error or unpredictable results.
Viewing Cached Data
Caches allow users to view cached data directly by right-clicking the node and selecting View Data from the menu.
Flushing Caches
- Caches can be "flushed" individually by double-clicking the icon and selecting Flush Cache Now, or right-clicking the node and selecting Flush Cache Now.
- To flush all caches in the job at the same time, go to Job > Flush All Caches Now from the main toolbar.
Editing Caches
- Cache lifetime can be edited by opening the cache and adjusting the time frame of the cache.
- The Cache lifetime can easily be extended by right-clicking the cache and selecting Extend Cache Lifetime. This will extend the Cache lifetime by the amount that was originally configured within the Cache.
Video Tutorial
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