About: This article introduces the Rename node, a Process node within Construct.
Location: Node panel
Table of Contents
Feature Overview
The Rename node allows users to change the names of columns within the dataset, reorder columns, or exclude them completely from appearing on the output. It is a formatting node often used to make the final output more digestible. When the Rename node is first opened, a list of all of the Column Names appears.
- To rename a field, type the new name in the New Name column, directly to the right of the old name.
- To exclude a column, un-check the corresponding Keep box.
- To reorder columns, select one or more columns in the Column Names section and use the black Move Column Up/Move Column Down arrows to reorder the variables.
Within the Rename node there is an option to use parameters. To do this, use the green 'P' button from the window toolbar. Using Parameters can allow for greater flexibility when incorporating place-holding designated values throughout the job. To learn more about parameters, click here.
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