About: This article introduces the Command node, a Special node within Construct.
Location: Node panel
Table of Contents
Feature Overview
The Command node executes a program from within Construct and if required passes a conditional argument as part of the program execution. The program file path is entered in the File Name field. If the program or file uses conditional arguments as part of its execution, these can be entered in the Arguments field.
For example, enter the program you wish to call (Excel, Batch, Synctoy...ect) and enter the program location in the File Name field. In the Arguments field enter the location of the file that is associated with the program being called. There is some cross over functionality between the Command node and the Script node. However, the key difference is that the Command node can be used to easily call upon any executable without the need to use scripting language.
The Set Run Order tool should be used to designate when the Command node is run.
If the Wait for Exit option is selected, the job will pause indefinitely until the external program that was opened is closed, or until the number of seconds entered in the Wait Timeout field have passed. In the latter case, the external program will remain open unless the Kill Process on timeout box is checked.
The Command node has the ability to incorporate a parameter within the Arguments field.
Video Tutorial
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