About: This article introduces the SAS Date node, an Add In node within Construct.
Location: Rapid Insight Collaborative Cloud
Table of Contents
Feature Overview
SAS stores Date, Time, and Datetime values as numeric columns using values that are not typical (based on 1/1/1960). A simple formula in a Transform node can be used to convert the numbers into the appropriate date/time values, but for users that have many columns to convert, this can quickly become tedious.
The SAS Date node creates new columns converting the SAS numeric representations in bulk. This can be done either by selecting the columns to convert, or using column name pattern matching.
To use the node:
- Connect the SAS Date node anywhere in a job where data is coming from a SAS data source
- In the Convert To field, enter one of: "Datetime", "Date", or "Time" to convert columns to that data type.
- Use the Columns to Convert field to specifically select columns to convert, click the X button to clear the parameter, click ellipsis [...] button to open a dialog to pick columns.
- Use the Column Name Pattern field to match column names by entering Regular Expression (RegEx) code. Example: "*Date*" matches all fields with "Date" anywhere in the name.
Note: The 2nd and 3rd parameters can both be used, or one or the other.
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