About: This article introduces the KML node, an Add In node within Construct.
Location: Rapid Insight Collaborative Cloud
Table of Contents
Feature Overview
The KML node allows users to plot latitude and longitude coordinates into geographic sites like Google Earth or Google Maps. It is a special type of Output node that creates a KML (Keyhole Markup Language) file which is a format specific for geographic sites. This node is often used in conjunction with the Geocoding node to first create the data points and then plot them.
Since the KML node is technically an output node, nodes cannot be connected after it, only fed into it. When run, the node will take latitude and longitude coordinates from the dataset and incorporate them into a KML file format.
Note: After downloading the KML node from the Collaborative Cloud, this node appears in the Output section of the node panel.
To configure a KML node, place it in your job as you would any Output node. Open the node and select the ellipsis [...] next to KML Output File to browse to a location where the KML file should be saved. Under the column titled Value, select a blank cell to be shown an option of which variable from your dataset you can use to populate that field.
The Name field associates a title with the geographic data point that will eventually become a pin on a map. This could be a customer name, or a business, etc.
The Description field associates a description to the geographic data point. This could be a reference code, or any other distinguishing value from your dataset.
Tip: The Transform node can be used to create descriptions for data points if it does not already exist in your data.
Once the KML file is generated it will need to be uploaded into whatever geographic application you are using. Google Maps and Google Earth are popular choices, but other applications also accept KML file types.
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