About: This article walks through how to create and edit dashboard elements.
Table of Contents
A dashboard element is a single piece of your overall dashboard. Elements can be tables or more involved graphics, like stacked bar charts. Elements are created and edited within a dataset view. Simply arrange the dataset variables for the desired output and select Add to Dashboard to save the element to a new dashboard.
Dashboard Elements
Adding Additional Elements
Once the first element is added to the dashboard, you can add additional elements by selecting New Element under the list of Dashboard Elements on the right-side of the interface. This will populate a new default table to be customized as a new element. This new element will have the default name "Count" until you configure and save your changes. To save your changes to the new element, select Save Element.
Adding a New Element by Editing an Existing Element
Bridge makes it easy to scale up your elements by building up (or simplifying down) new elements from existing elements, and then saving the changes as new elements - leaving your original elements as they were. This can be very useful to easily recreate a configuration of variables without starting from scratch.
Editing Existing Elements
All elements can be edited by selecting the element from the list of Dashboard Elements to the right of the interface. Once the element is selected, users can reconfigure the element as they would like. Changes made to the element can be saved as a new element or saved over the original element by selecting Save Element Changes. If you accidentally edit an existing element or change you mind, you can choose to remove all edits made by selecting Discard Changes. If changes have been made to an element, and the user navigates away from the element without saving changes, Bridge will ask you if you want to discard the changes you made.
Deleting Elements
Any element can be deleted by selecting the element from the list of Dashboard Elements on the right side of the interface, and selecting Delete Element from the top toolbar.
Active Dashboard Features
As soon as a single element is added to a dashboard, the Active Dashboard populates in the upper right corner of the interface. This is where all elements get saved to and the name of the dashboard is determined. Users can see how many elements are in their current dashboard based on the number displayed on the Active Dashboard icon. This menu also offers users the choice to preview the dashboard as is, save the dashboard, or clear the entire working dashboard.
Save a Dashboard
When saving a dashboard, users will be asked to enter a dashboard title. If it is a brand new dashboard, enter a new Dashboard title. If the dashboard has previously been saved and only edits were made to it, the original name will show in the dashboard title field when the save option is selected. If users do not change the original title and select save, Bridge will ask if the previous version should be overwritten. Selecting yes will update and overwrite the existing dashboard. Changing the dashboard title from the original name will act like a "save as," and save the dashboard as a new dashboard not affecting the original version.
Finally, users will be asked if the active dashboard should be cleared. Selecting "Yes" clears the active dashboard. Selecting "No" keeps the elements stored in the active dashboard tool even if users exit the dashboard editing view.
Edit Dashboard
The Edit/Rename Dashboard action is available on the Dashboards tab for editing dashboards that have been created by the user. Users cannot edit dashboards that have been shared with them.
Editing the dashboard will reopen the interactive dataset page and populate the Active Directory with the dashboard elements. This allows users the ability to edit the elements of the dashboard with all the regular editing options.
Additional Features
Export Excel
Tables can be downloaded as .csv files. Downloading is also available for heatmap elements, although the download will not retain the color images of the heatmap but rather just the table itself.
Download Chart
Charts can be downloaded as .png images.
Edit Chart
Labeling and style edits can be made to chart elements by double-clicking the chart output, or using the Edit Chart tool.
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