About: This article lists archived release notes for Construct between 2018 and 2022. If you have any questions, please contact RI-Support@eab.com.
Version 5.2.22298.0 [October 27, 2022]
- Fixed 4425 - Filter window is not resizable/scrollable when a lot of values are selected in an 'in' statement
- Fixed 4409 - Output node autocomplete when attempting to write to Excel causes issues
- Changed 4430 - Not all functions are listed properly in alphabetical order
- Fixed 4435 - Failing Salesforce connection causing exceptions
- Fixed 4438 - MySQL Ado.Net throws an error when you go to modify existing connections
- Fixed 4439 - When editing a connection, the SchemaName field isn't loaded so must be re-picked
- Fixed 4440 - Unable to share jobs in Enterprise client
- Fixed 4442 - Cloned outputs can produce errors with the run order
- Fixed 4433 - Setting the axis options for a chart is not saved when you uncheck the auto options
- Fixed 4446 - Job parameters being used in a Call Job node will throw "Parameter values do not match the selected data type!" though they are available in Parameter picker
- Added 4447 - Ability to import multiple transforms from a single file
- Fixed 4444 - Cross Tab does not function properly when multiple measures of the same column are selected
- Fixed 4441 - When job-saving takes long enough, users can accidentally initiate a second save request, which fails- this is concerning, and doesn't explain why
- Fixed 4449 - CrossTab node throws an error when a user tries to get a value on a column within the CrossTab Columns section of the node.
- Changed 4451 - Remove EULA from installs
- Changed 4453 - Change address and phone number in product and install
- Fixed 4454 - Job search fails to find any job inside of a folder that has not been expanded
- Changed 4424 - PostgreSQL connections should have their own connection category
- Fixed 4431 - Merge flag column when renamed isn't seen down stream
- Fixed 4457 - CrossTab node does not notify users when they manually enter invalid values
- Changed 4460 - Correct the default Bridge URL in options
- Fixed 4461 - Merge node will throw a Dispatcher processing error when it is being opened
- Fixed 4462 - Node Selection on rare ocassion "jams up" and attempts to multi select which throws an out of index error
- Fixed 4458 - Can get unmatched row in LookUp Node when using integer columns from disparate sources
- Changed 4426 - MySQL ado.net requires a new minimum version to be shipped with Construct for Bridge uploads
- Fixed 4398 - Oracle Managed Driver version does not recognize changes in the options menu
- Changed 4463 - Replace URLs for rapidinsight.com with new ones at eab.com
- Changed 3399 - What Is This help not available on grayed out nodes
- Fixed 4275 - Uploading "attachments" to Collaborative Cloud posts can fail if you navigate using network folders instead of mapped network folders
- Fixed 4466 - Subroutine fails to save when connecting to a job without a Output Proxy
- Changed 4468 - When edit a connection it doesn't reload the user entered schema even when there are no choices
Version 5.2.22045.0 [February 15, 2022]
- Fixed 4394 - Reports are not using the Negative Number Color
- Fixed 4397 - In Enterprise Client hitting the Refresh button in Data View when the window is still loading the table schema will hang the connection to the server
- Fixed 4393 - Cache node should default to maximum limit for persistent caches
- Fixed 4396 - Reordering columns in the data view can uncheck and check columns
- Fixed 4326 - Construct Jobs with an Embed Data node cannot be "reported" or print previewed- only a blank page gets outputted
- Fixed 4400 - Empty line in data in EmbedData node causes failure to read
- Fixed 4401 - Fix exception when defining a connection with certain providers
- Fixed 3723 - Text connection table schema not matching input table schema
- Changed 4403 - Help About copywrite info is taking up too much window space, should be scrollable
- Fixed 4402 - Chart node range does not make the axis selection available
- Fixed 4410 - Getting values on a column from a data source that is open outside of the program produces a vague error message
- Fixed 4411 - Unable to import scoring model into Construct when a drive is not available
- Fixed 4412 - Manual Licensing the first time no longer works
- Added 4413 - Support SSL in PostgresSQL
- Fixed 4414 - Report default Negative Number Color is not used
- Fixed 4405 - Convert CrossTab and Profile report data cells that contain numbers to actual numeric cells when sent to an Excel file
- Fixed 4395 - Excel Reports convert text values with leading zeros to numbers so the zeros are lost
- Changed 4416 - PostgreSQL connections icon shows as Unknown icon
- Fixed 4418 - Chart node within a job that came from a backup won't close or save. The Chart node was setup as a dial chart.
- Fixed 4417 - PostgreSQL ODBC driver doesn't read Boolean columns correctly
- Changed 4422 - Include Bridge node alphabetically in the list of nodes in the display option panel
- Fixed 4420 - Boolean columns create exceptions when you attempt to get values in Transpose or CrossTab
Version 5.2.21260.0 [September 17, 2021]
- Changed 4383 - Clicking the right-most function list in the transform node is not recognized as an active selection, so typing a letter does not shortcut you to the functions starting with that letter
- Changed 4378 - Initial merge node always displays tables vertically
- Fixed 4387 - Construct with new WPF UI won't run on Windows 7
- Fixed 4385 - Report node not properly creating Excel outputs, when 'Put each source in separate report section' is selected
- Added 4386 - Option to disable row highlighting in Data View, and select color of highlight
- Fixed 4390 - Unable to right-click and connect nodes when job is running
- Fixed 4389 - Floating note doesn't properly size during editing if you previously manually set its size
- Changed 4384 - Filter node value entry is not immediately editable
- Fixed 4301 - Job Rename Reverts
- Changed 4354 - Many of the new WPF node windows don't remember their layout like WinForms one did
- Fixed 3974 - If you rename a column in a subroutine the change shows in the first node of the calling job but not those after it until you save
- Changed 4391 - Transpose node option 'Aggregate after transpose' should make prior 2 options disabled as they can't be used together
- Added 1898 - Make adding the transposed column's name to the new columns' names generated by a Transpose optional
- Changed 3263 - Exit button in software Updates 'Application is up to date' screen
- Changed 4347 - Enterprise Manager grace period notification covers the stop service button
- Fixed 4388 - Searching for a table in Select Existing Connections window does not narrow down the table list
Version 5.2.21216.0 [August 12, 2021]
- Fixed 4339 - Output Node's Output Append is not recognized as being a change to configuration
- Changed 4333 - Persistent Caches in subroutine nodes are not flushable
- Changed 4346 - Unable to add distribution lists to report distributions
- Fixed 4345 - Quantile node does not show 'Ascending' next to the ascending sort check option
- Added 3580 - Please add a new HELP menu item - Online Knowledge Base
- Fixed 4341 - Enterprise Client has the Update option available
- Fixed 4348 - Construct Enterprise does not save Admin setting upon profile creation
- Changed 4342 - Unselected node dragged onto flow line does not gain selection
- Added 4277 - Expired License Popup Window Message Addition
- Changed 4343 - Transform node's Enter a Formula window is fairly small in default window size
- Fixed 4340 - If you open a node's Edit Notes window and do not type anything, but click ok, the notes icon appears
- Fixed 4355 - Binning transforms with missing column throws an error
- Fixed 4360 - Select Tables right-click to Add Table by Name throws exception so can't add
- Fixed 4361 - Select Tables window doesn't always display the schema at the top when it is defined in the database connection
- Fixed 4363 - Providers.config entries like <ColumnNameColumn> are case sensitive but shouldn't be
- Fixed 4332 - Unhandled Exception when trying to 'View Data' on a table whose connection has been renamed or deleted
- Changed 4349 - No option to flush all caches
- Fixed 4364 - Unable to move jobs around by dragging and dropping tabs
- Added 4362 - Add support for Google BigQuery
- Changed 3868 - When Construct crashes and a single job is recovered, the message should pertain to one job, not multiple.
- Fixed 4366 - Model Node toolbar button to set all variables to include based on p-value does not work
- Fixed 4058 - If a variable data type changes prior to a Profile node, it thinks it's a second variable and breaks the save button
- Fixed 4125 - Merge node shows no columns at all if a subroutine is connected to it, but the subroutine has not been connected to a job
- Changed 4369 - Machines need to be re-locked to hardware too often for removable devices
- Fixed 4367 - TDE output node does not give an option to output .hyper file
- Fixed 4141 - Edit Job Parameters box will no longer hold a custom sort of the listed variables
- Fixed 4365 - Model node changes to variables included or not are not saved or honored when building model immediately
- Changed 4356 - Renaming nodes removes active selection
- Fixed 4371 - Floating notes with a centered anchor do not accurately resize
- Fixed 4359 - Connection window doesn't show tooltips defined in the Providers.config nor resize labels to fit content
- Fixed 4370 - Text File Properties with 'none' Text Qualifier reverts to default value of double quote when saved and reloaded
- Added 4314 - Ability to globally replace the beginning of folder paths in connections, and output/report/ftp/zip/tde nodes
- Fixed 4357 - Unable to restore a backup on an unlicensed copy of Construct
- Changed 4374 - New connection's name can be flagged with error when switch providers and is cleared
- Fixed 4372 - Filtering on a parameter without a default value stored can produce unsavable filters, and no error message (especially for non-text parameter types)
- Fixed 4376 - Select Existing Connections has no indication it is busy while loading or sorting a large connection list
- Fixed 4377 - Tutorials won't load in Pro or Enterprise Client
- Fixed 4379 - A report section with more than 255 columns sent to an XLS (Excel) report truncates the report
- Changed 3686 - Convert Report data cells that contain numbers to actual numeric cells when an Excel file format is selected
- Changed 4380 - Report Output to Excel file has an empty Sheet1
Version 5.2.21134.0 [May 14, 2021]
- Added 4291 - Add support for Snowflake ODBC driver
- Added 4299 - Ability to have a dynamic output schema from a Query Node
- Fixed 4294 - Embed data node can be connected to an earlier input node which is ignored
- Fixed 4310 - Corrupt scheduled job file will stop the scheduler thread from starting so none run
- Added 4313 - Show and allow use of Bridge Node for everyone
- Fixed 4319 - Enterprise Import Jobs fails when there are any corrupt files in the source backup
- Fixed 4322 - Embed Data node will throw an exception when attempting to do produce a Job Report
- Fixed 4328 - Get Values in Filter/Transform doesn't always show (null) in Pro/Enterprise when same job in Workstation does
- Added 2157 - Allow users to revert to old right-angled flow lines
- Added 2426 - In the 'Enter a Formula' window in Transform, request the ability to have the parentheses show up as different color
- Fixed 4300 - Bridge node can attempt to upload data even when a prior node failed causing the job to be stopping
- Added 4330 - Completely new user interface based on WPF
- Added 4331 - Add support for in product Tutorials to walk user through a task
Version 5.1.20098.0 [April 13, 2020]
- Fixed 4289 - Importing a scoring model from Predict 3.2.20069.0 fails
- Added 4288 - Stop shipping the Veera 4 Upgrade application with Construct
Version 5.1.20069.0 [March 10, 2020]
- Fixed 4251 - Construct Pro is skipping scheduled jobs
- Changed 4198 - Typo in notification when selecting to edit password on an OS account in Enterprise Manager
- Changed 4256 - In Enterprise when deleting a user, transferring the jobs and connections takes a very long time
- Changed 4257 - DateFirstOfMonth transform function description is inconsistent and has typos
- Changed 4258 - DateLastOfMonth transform function description has an erroneous reference
- Added 4260 - Support connections to Azure SQL using Azure Active Directory credentials
- Added 2143 - Add the ability of Filter to incorporate other columns into the filtering criteria
- Changed 4070 - Filter window resizing can cause strange displays
- Added 2057 - Add 28 additional Filter node Date Expressions
- Added 4267 - Add Mean, Range, Outlier & OutlierIndex functions to Transform node
- Fixed 4268 - FindDup checkbox for treating nulls as duplicates doesn't change behavior when unchecked
- Fixed 4194 - Merge can cause sort optimization issue when one column used more than once to merge on to one other source
- Added 4138 - Add Last and Next 14 days as Filter node Date expressions
- Changed 3395 - Allow the filter between clause to be in any order
- Fixed 4271 - Edit Job Schedule toolbar and context menu option is available in Workstation (but doesn't work) when it shouldn't be there
- Added 4254 - Allow product to be used after license has expired, showing a red banner, until RI terminates the license or 30 days (RI changeable) has passed
- Fixed 4283 - Using certain nodes in an invalid loop can cause the application to crash when the job is run
- Fixed 4284 - Edits to config file can make them unreadable
- Fixed 4285 - Migrating jobs from a deleted user in Enterprise does not correctly transfer shared jobs
Version 5.1.19221.0 [August 13, 2019]
- Added 4199 - Transform functions RemovePadLeft and RemovePadRight to undo PadLeft and PadRight
- Changed 4225 - Changed the internal data in the most applications' files (Connections, Jobs, Job, ...) to remove excess whitespace and empty lists making the 20-50% smaller and faster to save/load
- Added 4177 - Scoring models imported from .vpsm formats should also create a type convert node
- Fixed 4202 - Workdays between formula miscounting datetime values
- Added 4224 - Enterprise support for alternate service identity and SPN based delegation
- Fixed 4220 - Unable to write to an excel file without getting an "Invalid File" error
- Added 4217 - Prompt error message for Path too long errors in the file picker window
- Fixed 4229 - Unable to create new worksheet within existing Excel workbook
- Fixed 4203 - Can get duplicate mapped drive letters in the file explorer
- Fixed 4231 - LookUp will fail between identity (GUID) column and text column
- Fixed 4235 - Timeout errors can occur in the Data View Window
- Added 4222 - Nothing in the logs if user credentials are not correct
- Added 4242 - Embed Data node to embed small datasets directly in the job
- Added 4243 - Add the ability to Bulk Insert to the Oracle ADO.NET Managed driver
- Fixed 4245 - XLS inputs not recognizing a user set numeric column format in some cases
- Fixed 4247 - Getting shared folders fails in 64bit preventing browsing remote machines
- Fixed 4248 - On updates Construct Enterprise will return the service account back to network service
- Changed 4246 - Distribution to a parameterized email address does not work unless there is also a distribution list set up
- Changed 3949 - CONTAINS() Function description contains errors
Version 5.1.19084.0 [March 26, 2019]
- Fixed 4130 - Some FTP Protocols not showing record count on the Node
- Fixed 4134 - Temp Report Node doesn't open to the correct help page for the node
- Fixed 4111 - Error when viewing data from a Cache
- Fixed 3948 - Querying on database connections not available if you are restoring missing (red) connections, until you save and exit
- Fixed 4133 - Oracle OLE DB Provider does not allow you to view integer values
- Fixed 4152 - CallJobForEachNode doesn't obey run ordering
- Added 3229 - Global and User Parameters
- Fixed 4155 - Text properties set on Output nodes lose column width information
- Fixed 4168 - Performing a Copy and Paste of a job doesn't copy the notes
- Added 4166 - A user with rights to delete should have rights to copy
- Fixed 4171 - The first column output from the R Node has a odd or missing characters at the beginning of its name
- Changed 4172 - Append node uses the column length from the first data source which may result in later sources exceeding column length in database outputs
- Fixed 4175 - The Job tree in the Workspace window can get stuck in an mode where clicks will be treated as drag drops
- Fixed 4163 - Yellow indicators for notes can take a while to show up in jobs
- Fixed 4160 - 'Index was outside the bounds of the array' error seen in the Report node
- Added 4181 - Script node should be able to stop the job on failure like the Command node
- Fixed 4180 - Script node doesn't return immediately after kill timeout if the current script line is long running
- Fixed 4183 - Frequency node reorder up/down toolbar buttons do nothing
- Fixed 4184 - Multiple runable nodes chained will cause the job to run for each one instead of just once
- Fixed 4185 - Runable node in middle of a flow where the final runable is disabled will still run
- Fixed 4182 - Command node option 'Stop Job on timeout' doesn't stop the job
- Added 4186 - Command and Script nodes should only optionally be considered to fail when the process exit code is non-zero
- Added 4187 - Command and Script nodes should be able to stop the entire job when they command or script fails
- Fixed 4188 - Enterprise Manager won't load if the server's custom rapidInsight.appSettings configuration is missing Automatically Add Users
- Fixed 4189 - Add-in nodes that have integer parameters don't work in x64 editions
- Fixed 4190 - Oracle ODBC and OLEDB providers will have an exception when when used in an Output node
- Added 4191 - Improve Oracle insert speed by supporting multi-row insert statements in all data providers
- Fixed 4178 - Search button in Data View logs an exception when pressed while search window is already open
- Added 4179 - Add trace logging of connection string used for data providers
- Fixed 4195 - When a job input data source is changed where the source is case sensitive and the column names differ in case only, optimized queries (Filter, Sort, Aggregate) fail
- Fixed 4136 - Transform formula ** operator has the same precedence as *, /, and % but should be evaluated prior to them but after unary minus
- Changed 4140 - Stack node screen's caption still displays 'Combined Inputs'
- Added 4123 - Request to have the input window connection dropdown resized
- Added 4174 - Add User List refresh option in the Enterprise Manager
Version 5.1.18283.0 [October 11, 2018]
- Fixed 4014 - Construct Enterprise and Pro Servers get 'stuck' in Task Manager Services
- Fixed 3993 - You cannot save to a job path with a trailing space
- Fixed 3914 - Pro is unable to access mapped network drives
- Fixed 3617 - Unable to scroll to bottom of the connections window when choosing to select existing connections
- Fixed 3198 - Cache is not expiring when it should
- Fixed 4053 - Suppress 'Input Length Changed' warning for database inputs
- Fixed 4057 - Sample Add-In Node - Simple (double all numbers) is erroring when run
- Fixed 4045 - Chart node does not recognize changes to the chart type
- Fixed 4042 - Unable to delete job notes after they have been made
- Fixed 4043 - Unable to remove the value of a parameter in the 'Edit Job Parameters' window
- Fixed 4034 - Text parameters are showing quotes around the values in report titles and headers
- Changed 4088 - Remove Version number form Application Icon names.
- Fixed 3898 - Unable to copy and paste multiple jobs, have to do one at a time
- Added 3957 - Ability to use parameters in Bridge Upload node (Dataset Name)
- Changed 3960 - When 'Begin Connecting Nodes' over a note, the note turns white under cursor (repainting issue)
- Changed 3899 - If you use parentheses around a clause in a filter and remove the clause, it leaves behind one of the parentheses
- Fixed 4103 - The Job Properties windows fails to populate in some cases
- Fixed 4096 - Result types in the transform node can cause inaccuracies in calculated results
- Fixed 3848 - Nodes inappropriately warning of Unsaved Changes when no changes were made
- Added 4089 - Let enterprise admin users see all scheduled jobs
- Fixed 4115 - Copies of our products in time zones significantly ahead of ours are not licensing correctly with the License Server
- Changed 4090 - Show users in alphabetical order in Enterprise Manager in users list and in Transfer Jobs comboboxes
- Fixed 4119 - You can move folders to their own subfolders and seriously compromise your structure and potentially lose your jobs- proposed fix included!
- Added 4056 - Customers would like to upload via SFTP with a private key rather than credentials
- Fixed 3785 - Oracle Managed provider has stopped working for some Users
- Added 4064 - An additional Construct file format- one that contains both a job and a copy of the data that has a job and knows to pull up a copy of any raw data it uses
- Changed 4126 - Deselecting by columns in the Aggregate Node resets sort
- Added 3725 - Desire a Temp Report node like Temp Out
- Fixed 4122 - Don't allow user to schedule a shared job for themselves, but to edit the owner's schedule if given Edit rights
- Fixed 4129 - Importing scoring models on Client that isn't on server machine are failing
- Fixed 4132 - Sample Node using a parameter can fail to run in certain cases
Version 5.1.18207.0 [July 27, 2018]
- Changed 4060 - Downloading an AddIn from RICC ignores extra attachments so it is impossible to get them
- Fixed 4063 - Transform LIKE operator returns false positives
- Fixed 3946 - Reverse Transpose Operations erase themselves when you update them to not include missing fields
- Fixed 4023 - Disconnected filters no longer show the variable criteria
- Fixed 4024 - When restoring from a backup, the message should say 'Restoring Backup'
- Added 3327 - Show different icon for recoverable errors (i.e. warnings) versus true failure errors on nodes
- Added 3964 - Add the ability to import a Construct Workstation/Pro Database to Enterprise for a single user
- Changed 4076 - In some cases after a subroutine with a complex subroutine job being called node may take a long time to open
- Fixed 4079 - SQL Server ODBC driver incorrectly reports floats as Ints
- Fixed 3955 - Schema Guess exhibits issues when you are re-building missing connections
- Changed 4078 - Hide the Lock step in licensing process, only show when hardware lock fails
- Changed 4059 - Change product to open the Online Help instead of the local help file
- Fixed 4080 - The 4.3 upgrader can fail if the JobList folder contains some non JobList files
- Changed 4001 - Job Properties -> Parameters - edited parameter text color doesn't change from blue to black when save
- Added 4016 - Cannot copy and paste a Proxy Out node to a new job
- Changed 3954 - V4 jobs do not import into V5 and do not give any error message
Version 5.1.18166.0 [June 15, 2018]
- Fixed 4041 - Jobs calling Subroutines with parameters that differ only in case results in error when the parameter is used in the subroutine
Version 5.1.18157.0 [June 6, 2018]
- First public release of the Construct Enterprise edition!
- Fixed 3716 - Exception when Pro/Ent service is stopping
- Fixed 3897 - Error message telling me that I am unable to save jobs
- Added 3900 - Pro is unable to run jobs from a Windows command line
- Fixed 3915 - Backing up in Pro Edition will result in an error if it takes longer than a minute
- Fixed 3854 - Double hyphens inside of a string in a Query Node SQL query results in errors
- Fixed 3883 - If disconnect a node and try to reconnect over same position, it acts as if it's connecting to itself as if it hadn't been removed from the line
- Fixed 3786 - Pro returns a 'Did not receive a reply within the configured timeout' when attempting certain functions
- Fixed 3870 - Sample Add-In Nodes - Error when downloading from RI CC
- Changed 3879 - Excel output save button should illuminate/become available as soon as parameters are filled out
- Fixed 3646 - FTP Node using 'active' FTP protocol does not run successfully in Pro
- Changed 3730 - Browsing in TDE output node and Text Output table when file path is already established does not remember path
- Changed 3862 - Behavior going to RICC > Browse > VeeraConstruct > AddIns and downloading has different behavior than Nodes > Get More Nodes and downloading
- Fixed 3920 - Copying and pasting of Jobs in the Workspace tab causing issues, sometimes crashing app
- Fixed 3925 - The v4 to v5 conversion utility that ships with Pro fails to run
- Fixed 3928 - Opening nodes toward the end of a huge job that is loaded with lots of 'loops' can take a very long time
- Changed 3932 - When a job is run should immediately give visual feedback while job runtime is initializing
- Fixed 3933 - FTP Node window cuts off options to 'poll for file' toggle upload vs. download, etc
- Fixed 3935 - Default value of Maximum1KRowsInMemoryPerNodeValidate option gets changed to 1000
- Fixed 3942 - If job contains a floating Temp Out, job will not run if 'Run Job'
- Fixed 3944 - Writing to Excel (output append) can get a column not found when the name is mismatched by case only
- Fixed 3924 - Cannot 'Save As' a Job without changing something even though the name is already different
- Fixed 3926 - Enterprise Client can close/cancel logon window, you get a 'Login Failed' message then can't get back in without closing and reopening the program
- Fixed 3940 - Non visible character in column names can cause issues writing to .xlsx
- Fixed 3945 - If you change an aggregation then attempt to get values in a following existing filter, it fails and you get an error
- Changed 3080 - Filter needs to notify user when a field no longer exists
- Fixed 3947 - Text fields with 2,040 characters or more outputted to TDE files cause app to crash
- Fixed 3968 - Unable to edit chart colors
- Changed 3908 - Sorting of data providers in drop down is non-intuitive beyond text and excel- not alphabetized
- Changed 3953 - In the Filter Node, make the Optimization option look the same as the other nodes
- Fixed 3938 - Variables are no longer highlighted within a Cleanse node.
- Fixed 3983 - Print preview doesn't show node icons when saved as a PDF
- Fixed 3991 - Certain XLSX files can't be read in
- Fixed 3994 - User with a drive letter mapped to a non-UNC path will have an exception and then be unable to access any drive or path so all file based connection are inoperable
- Changed 3952 - Zooming Out may cut off job nodes off screen, and not allow you to scroll sufficiently downward
- Fixed 3941 - Source flags in merge cause errors if you name the source flag the same as an existing column
- Fixed 3995 - Unable to delete (unshare) a shared job in Enterprise Client
- Changed 3705 - New product install shouldn't error for missing license, instead prompt for license
- Fixed 3895 - Text is being cut off in certain windows
- Fixed 4003 - The 'Report As ...' function is not working
- Changed 3872 - Update License Get Help window
- Added 4004 - Transform functions that take text parameters took non-text columns in 4.x which is causing customer jobs to fail when upgraded to 5.1, desire old behavior where possible
- Fixed 3874 - Construct on High Resolution monitors is not scaling as well as 4.x versions did
Version 5.1.18131.0 [May 11, 2018]
- Changed 3976 - Framework change from 4.x to 5.x causes Transform formulas that don't account for NULL values to run MUCH slower; add NULL explicit checking to all formula elements to speed up results
- Fixed 3963 - Max 1k Rows in RAM per Node error where certain versions show 1000 because they are allocation HUGE amount of RAM causing sever memory paging and running very slow on x64 platforms, or Out of Memory errors on x86
Version 5.1.18107.0 [April 17, 2018]
- Changed 3497 - Line height in two windows' (ex. Merge) lists is causing the new larger font to clip on the bottom
- Fixed 3918 - If had an older version of Analytics, the install blocks upgrading unware of upgrade to Predict
- Fixed 3919 - Quickly starting app twice when it needs to upgrade from Veera 5.0 corrupts the new data folder
Version 5.1.18093.0 [April 4, 2018]
- Fixed 3884 - Charts are not displayed using the color palette specified in the chart style
- Fixed 3886 - Pro update from 5.0 fails to copy over all files because Construct's service is running
- Fixed 3887 - Starting with a clean machine install will result with an immediate error message and close the app.
Version 5.1.18089.0 [March 30, 2018]
- First public release of the new Construct!
- Fixed 3795 - Jobs cannot be dragged and dropped into new locations in the Workspace Jobs list
- Fixed 3819 - Properties for some Output Text Files cannot be edited
- Fixed 3738 - The Default text file output encoding in the US (& elsewhere?) was Western European code page which wrote Real column Infinite values as "8" or "-8", switched to UTF8 encoding for Default
- Fixed 3853 - In some Cases a XLSX output node can create a file that excel needs to fix in order to open
- Added 3805 - Add text labels to all buttons on Job window toolbar
- Added 3804 - Add a sidebar Assistant informational screen to the Job window
- Changed 3806 - Connection window, move name to bottom and list Text and Excel as first providers in shortcut buttons
- Added 3803 - Add a What Do You Want to Do welcome screen on startup
- Changed 3814 - Replace 'Data Set Upload' node with 'Bridge' node
- Added 3836 - Auto connect 'orphan' nodes to an existing process when drag-drop onto a node
- Changed 3843 - When closing the Help > License and Register window when opened while you're in a job will throw you back to the Workspace tab instead of the active job tab.
- Changed Numerous UI changes for rebranding
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