About: This article lists release notes for Construct. If you have any questions, please contact RI-Support@eab.com.
- Fixed 4937 - NullReferenceException seen with Bridge Node
- Changed 4938 - BridgeNode doesn't send a finished message to Bridge if it encounters an error
- Fixed 4914 - Unexpected prompt to save a job
- Added 4913 - Add a slash command to Construct Service for Pro/Ent to create performance counters
- Changed 4942 - Target .Net Framework 4.8.1: Construct
- Fixed 4953 - Rename node in job isn't accepting new data source connections
- Changed 4944 - Update Construct .MSI projects for Framework change
- Fixed 4949 - Silent exception in UI when attempt to edit CSV properties on busy file
- Fixed 4950 - Text File Properties near impossible to configure some files
- Fixed 4954 - Report node is creating excel files that are broken
- Fixed 4951 - FTP node seems to be eating a slash between two folders
- Added 4890 - Modern Authentication for sending emails
- Changed 4970 - Discard Schema and Start Over button not working
- Changed 4977 - Add better messages when encountering preamble characters at the beginning of the first column name
- Fixed 4972 - Preamble byte is getting into the 1st column's header for "UTF-8 with BOM" file
- Changed 4969 - Better navigation within SMTP configuration page
- Added 4980 - Add tags to job definition from job properties
- Fixed 4978 - WCF timeout issue in the select tables window
- Changed 4991 - Expand the maximum size of License Service request responses
- Added 4981 - Add job tags to job metadata and make them searchable
- Added 4985 - Management UI for global list of job tags
- Added 4995 - Show tags in the Workspace Job Details
- Changed 4963 - Extra backslashes in license file path
- Added 3153 - Allow parameters to appear within Filter IN statements
- Added 3163 - Uncheck All option in Aggregate
- Added 3241 - Node search function should retain last search information
- Added 4983 - Support Apache ORC ADO.Net provider published to RI-CC
- Added 3562 - Allow use of real values like .85 (without leading zero) in transform functions
- Added 3382 - Round function in the transform that allows for specification of the precision
- Fixed 4932 - Error Importing a Job
- Added 3099 - Display Prior Job Execution Time along with Current Execution Time
- Fixed 3950 - Sample Node allows you to select invalid parameters then complains when save
- Added 3025 - Ability to add to an existing filtering expression by selecting values from a list
- Added 3571 - Ability to show columns in cleanse based on data type
- Fixed 5012 - Frequency Node NullReferenceException when run job
- Added 3838 - Allow multi-selection of tables on an Existing Connection when selected in a job.
- Changed 5018 - The append node does not display as changed when deleting one of it's sources
- Added 4973 - Add MailKit.dll and dependencies to Construct's install
- Added 3109 - Ability to clone a node and have it automatically disconnect
- Changed 5026 - Navigate/Starfish input will log an exception when an optional schema file isn't found
- Added 3132 - Add ContainsAll and ContainsAny functions to permit multiple values to be checked for simultaneously
- Added 3095 - Change the default data type in the Transform from Real to Text to match binning
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