About: This article lists release notes for Predict. If you have any questions, please contact RI-Support@eab.com.
- Added 4598 - Create a RDS edition of Predict
- Added 4599 - Create Predict RDS product edition installer
- Added 4531 - Handle EOL delimiter in quoted column value for text connections
- Fixed 4618 - Null Ref exception in GetDataConnectionViewModel
- Fixed 4624 - Null Ref exception in CoreConnectorBase
- Fixed 4625 - Null ref exception in FileSystem.ValidateTextFileSchemaAgainstTextFile
- Added 4634 - Add support for new generation of SQLServer OLEDB Provider
- Added 4637 - Test connection results should be passed to the logs when in trace mode
- Fixed 4638 - Item has already been added error for exception data
- Fixed 4636 - Starfish and Navigate test connections do not properly authenticate credentials
- Fixed 4642 - Table search for a large database freezes the application
- Fixed 4653 - Error with one Navigate table loading from S3 bucket
- Changed 4665 - ListViewer double click to select doesn't work
- Changed 4688 - When testing a connection the failure message can show behind the window
- Changed 4675 - Fix misspelling of desirable in message shown as 'dersireable'
- Added 4691 - Update zipcodes and geo locations using 2020 Census ZCTA centroids
- Fixed 4704 - Non-breaking space characters break transform formulas
- Fixed 4707 - NullRefException in OpenFileConnectionViewModel
- Changed 4708 - Analysis name isn't showing in the tab
- Added 4686 - Searchable document available in transform for function definitions
- Added 4711 - Add ability to scan the AdoDotNetProviders for providers listed in providers.config
- Added 4723 - Add ability to switch between different authentication modes for different providers
- Added 4673 - Googlesheets connector
- Fixed 4727 - UTCtoLocal function template has UTCFROMLOCAL in it
- Added 4211 - Startswith and endswith function
- Changed 4740 - Update the Managed and Unmanaged Oracle provider configs GetTable method
- Added 4714 - Protect our XML loading from attacks [SecurityJourney]
- Added 4737 - Manual Licensing Window Should allow user to copy the URL text
- Added 4697 - Utilize some URI validation [SecurityJourney]
- Fixed 4756 - Microsoft OLE DB Provider for OLAP error with reference to SchemaName
- Added 4735 - Implement schema properties selection for Google Sheets
- Fixed 4770 - CSV missing final line EOL can cause issue
- Changed 4730 - Selected table list should sort alphabetically whenever a table is added
- Fixed 4791 - SQLServer fails to connect if user password contains a semicolon
- Fixed 4783 - Microsoft OLE DB Provider for OLAP returns columns with special characters
- Added 4769 - Built-in MS Access provider
- Fixed 4806 - Unable to get table schema for large text files
- Changed 4849 - Make the new built-in Access provider the default choice
- Fixed 4767 - Many issues with process of configuring a fixed width file
- Fixed 4870 - Migrating a users connection list when removing a user can dispose of passwords in the connectionlist
- Added 4733 - Support reading and writing Apache Parquet file format
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